🤗 You Can Now Join New Angular, C#, C++, CSS and Git Groups On LinkedIn

Tom Smykowski
3 min readJan 2, 2024


New, friendly groups for programmers are now live on LinkedIn

Following up on my previous announcement, I wanted to give you some updates about the new LinkedIn groups for programmers, and info about new groups I have just created.

3 days ago I’ve created LinkedIn groups for programmers in Rust, Go (Golang), Python and Java for several reasons:

  • Mata platforms (like Facebook) are IMHO unreliable (even more after one research that I’ve concluded today, maybe I will write about it soon)
  • LinkedIn groups are nice
  • Some LinkedIn groups are dead
  • I have a lot of experience in participating in and hosting programming communities, and we deserve a nice place to hang out

So far, after just 3 days, Rust group has 33 members, Go has 30 members, Python — 20, and Java — 16. In terms of the group growth, it’s an enormous success. I have very little reach to programmers, and I see not only people from Medium, but also people on LinkedIn join the groups.

I think the success is because of the group rules, I’ve explained them in the previous article (with a lengthy passage on how creators are treated like trash these days).

But to sum them up:

  • stay on the topic of the group
  • be nice to other group members
  • don’t post same thing too often
  • creators are welcome to promote projects incl. commercial ones

As you can see, rules are very permissive, but with great power comes responsibility. So there will be permanent bans used in case of obstruction.

Or maybe because the unified, professional group pictures that just look awesome on your profile and an emoji in each group name?

No one knows 😊

So far, nothing much really is going in the groups, because there’s still too little members. I won’t spam the groups, only to grow the reach of the posts. I think naturally with time there will be activity without any artificial means. TBH, I like less activity but more useful.

Also, I’ve noticed that despite I require only a profile picture and 10 connections from people to join, LinkedIn sometimes asks me to confirm some guests. I try to do it right away, it doesn’t seem to be troublesome currently. Most of the people are admitted automatically, as I wanted it to be.

Following on that success, today I’m moving the idea further, and I have created 5 more groups:

Yeah, so it’s second day of 2024 and things are skyrocketing! Join, invite your friends, colleagues! Let’s create comfy groups to talk about our stuff we deserve to have!

Cheers and Happy New Year!

If you need it, it is the sign to follow your dreams!



Tom Smykowski

Software Engineer & Tech Editor. Top 2% on StackOverflow, 3mil views on Quora. Won Shattered Pixel Dungeon.