🌍 JavaScript Intl Supports Word and Sentence Segmentation

Tom Smykowski
2 min read3 days ago

The JavaScript Intl namespace contains a Intl.Segmenter object, allowing for precise word and sentence segmentation in various languages

The Intl namespace in JavaScript is getting a lot of nice features over the last years. And I’m not familiar with every of these, so it’s nice to read and learn. For example today I’ve stumbled about an article by Brian Smith from September 3, 2024 called “Locale-sensitive text segmentation in JavaScript with Intl.Segmenter”.

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In this article he explores an object called Intl.Segmenter that solves quite an interesting problem.

It has quite a wide support:

Source: https://caniuse.com/mdn-javascript_builtins_intl_segmenter_segment

Long story short, it splits strings for you. But not like string.split function, it recognizes words and sentences in different languages and splits the string according to these human-made sections.

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Tom Smykowski

Software Engineer & Tech Editor. Top 2% on StackOverflow, 3mil views on Quora. Won Shattered Pixel Dungeon.