Currently Appflowy is not supporting collaboration on one file as we know it. It may be possible to access one Superbase by several people but don't know if it will work as expected. Didn't try it.
But I've read that there are plans for collaboration features, and the funding the team got after 4 months after my initial article and a month ago are promising to see development in this area.
As for now, I'm surely seeing it as a great tool for personal organisation. I can use it for example to organize my tasks in a project. JIRA tasks are managed in various ways, so it's nice to have the possibility to organize them fully as you like it. So I'll use it sometimes for that.
I can see it also as a place for my technical notes. I use for that pain text file, and it may be beneficial to use Appflowy for that. Especially when you have multiple projects, and stuff like URLs, and a lot of other info for each. Sometimes I have like 1000 lines of notes per project, and it gets messy fast.