🔶 5 Amazing Ruby Projects: Code Inspector, Open-source Social Networking and Customer Support EP 1

Tom Smykowski
5 min readJul 13, 2023

Welcome to an intriguing journey into the world of Ruby, fellow developers! Ruby is a dynamic and expressive programming language with a vast ecosystem of tools and frameworks.

We will look into five exceptional projects that demonstrate Ruby’s adaptability: RuboCop, Mastodon, Quine-Relay, Discourse, and Chatwoot. So, buckle up and prepare to see the extraordinary power of Ruby unfold before your eyes.

RuboCop — Ruby Code Analysis

Our first stop on this adventure brings us to RuboCop, a steadfast ally in the pursuit of clean and consistent code. Think of RuboCop as a diligent code inspector that examines your Ruby code with a discerning eye, ensuring adherence to best practices and coding conventions.

For me, this project’s attention to detail and helpful suggestions make it an invaluable tool for maintaining code quality and consistency across projects. With RuboCop by your side, you can confidently navigate the Ruby landscape, knowing that your code will be polished and professional.



Tom Smykowski

Software Engineer & Tech Editor. Top 2% on StackOverflow, 3mil views on Quora. Won Shattered Pixel Dungeon.