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10 answers to popular #Javascript tech interview questions in two minutes part. 1
Lately, I was participating in a tech interview, where some JavaScript questions appeared. Eventually I found the experience fun, even after 16 years of coding with JavaScript. As every respectful creator, I have decided to make a series out of it :-)
Since that said, now I run a mini-series of answers to the most popular JavaScript interview questions. Below you will find a compilation of answers to first ten questions I have decided to answer. The questions are:
1. What is Javascript?
2. What types are available in Javascript?
3. What is hoisting?
4. What is the difference between == and ===?
5. What is implicit type coercion?
6. What does it mean Javascript is dynamically typed?
7. What is NaN?
8. What is the difference between assignment by value and reference?
9. What are immediately invoked functions?
10. What is “this”?